Specialist Pharmacist – Droga Pharma PLC Vacancy Announcement, March 9 2023
Organization: Droga Pharma PLC
Position: Specialist Pharmacist
Employment: Full time
Salary: Attractive
Location: Addis Ababa
Deadline: March 16, 2023
Job Description
Role and Responsibility
- Ensure the spoke primary role of specialty care pharmacy service provision.
- Act as a care coordinator.
- Assimilate quality assurance as part of pharmaceutical practice. Assure compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements for pharmacy operations.
- Ensure the implementation of the principles of rational drug use, good storage practice, and good dispensing practice of medicines.
- Apply policies and procedures for all personnel operating in pharmacy in accordance with current law and best practice.
- Attend normal working hour of the pharmacy, at the professional services area of the practice.
- Overseas all professional activities carried out in the medicine retail outlet.
- Keep that every key, key card or other device, or the combination of any device, which allows access to controlled substances storage area when it is locked.
- Review the patient personal details and medication history
- Update and maintain the medication history during the dispensing process for patients with chronic disease.
- Contact the prescriber about a prescription or a patient’s therapy when necessary.
- Provide appropriate information to the patient to enable safe and effective use of the medicines and therapeutic device supplied.
- Minimize the incidence of a dispensing error occurring
- Dispense medicines with legible and unambiguous labels.
- Confirm the legality; identify the patient’s condition, legibility, completeness, correctness, therapeutic aspects and appropriateness of the prescription paper.
- Report any suspected adverse drug reactions (ADRs), or suspected fake and substandard medicines to the technical manager or appropriate organ.
- Order and stock prescription and over-the-counter medications.
- Comply with standards and any other requirement specified by the regulatory bodies/appropriate organs.
- To work ethically and with full professional competence.
Job Requirements
- BPharm in Clinical Oriented Pharmacy plus MSc in Clinical Pharmacy/ Pharmacy Practice from a recognized and qualified higher education institution
- 5 years and above experience under BPharm and 2 years and more experience with a specialty in health care.
- Demonstrate experience in applying Clinical Pharmacy services
- Demonstrate experience working with the different healthcare team
Required skill
- Management and leadership skills
- Research and analytics skills
- Interpersonal and negotiation skills
- Communication, presentation, and reporting skills
- Knowledge in use of Microsoft office suite and Droga Computer software
- Ability to work in teams and in multicultural setting
- Proficiency in one or more of country working languages (Amharic, Oromiffa, Tigregna, Somaligna etc)
How to Apply
Interested and qualified applicants can apply through: Ethiojobs.net and only short-listed candidates will be communicated.
- Required Number: 10
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