Dambi Dollo University Vacancy Announcement

Dambi Dollo University Vacancy Announcement, March 11 2024




Organization: Dambi Dollo University

Position: Lecturer

Location: Dambi dollo

Employment: Full Time

Date of Announcement: March 11 2024

Deadline: March 25, 2024







Dambi Dolo University is a national university located in Dembidolo town, in Oromia Region, about 645 kilometers away from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Established in 2015, under Proclamation No.650/2001 article 5(1), the campus is situated in 135 hectares.

Dambi Dollo University is seeking to recruit qualified professionals and invites interested candidates who can meet the requirements stated here to apply for the following academic position.


Vacancy Summary


Organization: Dambi Dollo University

Position: Lecturer

Location: Dambi dollo

Employment: Full Time

Minimum Experience: 0 year

Date of Announcement: March 11 2024

Deadline: March 25, 2024



CGPA: 3.00 and above for males and 2:75 and above for females

Internship subjects (All): a minimum of ‘B’

Recommendation letter: Two recommendation letters from senior doctors

Experience: 0 and above years experience



Vacancy details and how to apply


➡ The registration will be active for 10 working days from the date of announcement

Registration Place: Dambi Dollo University Human Resource Management Office No 2 or apply through official E-mail: humanresourcemgt@dadu.edu.et

Interested applicants should submit their CV along with relevant credential documents (Grade 8, 10 and 12 certificates, transcript from grade 9 to 12, and Degree)

➡ The applicants are required to bring their original document and non-returnable copy of the documents

➡ Female applicants are highly encouraged

For more information: 0575553618 or 0913335264





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