ADWA Partners CPD Center Virtual Seminar with CPD Certificate and 1.5 CEU Points, August 14 2023
About ADWA Partners CPD Center
Adwa partners CPD center is an organization that aims to make CPD delivery accessible to all health professionals around the country. We provide up-to-date trainings on selected subjects by the most experienced professionals in the respective fields. Health professionals looking to renew their license are required to have 30 CEU points per year to do so, so we enable them to have access to trainings via various modalities like live programs (either off-site or on-site), live webinars, prerecorded and self-paced courses that will continually be uploaded to our website
Adwa Partners CPD and Training center invites all interested health professionals to join a virtual Webinar:
Topic: Pediatrics Palliative Care: The Basics
Presenter: Dr. Betelehem Belay
Consultant Pediatrician and pediatric pulmonology and critical care sub-specialist
Award: 1.5 CEU and CPD certificate
Duration: 90 min
Date: Saturday August 19, 2023
Starting Time: 3:30 PM (9:30 LT in the afternoon)
How to Register
Register here:
Fee: 150 ETB (to get the link)
Payment options:
Telebirr: +2519447348885
Abyssinia Bank: 89308569
For more Info:
Call: +251 979 099 669
Email: Telegram:
Steps to get the presentation link:
Step 1: First register in the google form
Step 2: Make payment to get the link
Step 3: Send payment slip to 0979099669 Telegram account or to Email address.
Our team will verify and share the participation link through your email.
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