Call For Abstract And Innovative Practice for The 3rd National SBC Summit

Call For Abstract And Innovative Practice for The 3rd National SBC Summit, November 28 2023


You are Invited to submit your abstract and innovative practice for the 3rd National Social and Behavior Change (SBC) summit, which will be held on February 27- 29th , 2024 Hilton Hotel, Addis Ababa.
The Theme of the Conference is “SBC for Sustainable Development
Abstracts are needed for presentations on a variety of topics related to SBC, including:



Event: 3rd National SBC Summit

Date: Feb 27–29, 2024

Location: Hilton Hotel, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia





Presentation format: The organizing committee has identified the following three session formats:


1. Poster presentation: – A visual display of research evidence or innovative practices that is presented on a poster board.
2. Oral presentation: – Proposals/abstracts accepted for Oral Presentation will be grouped by the Program Sub-Committee, according to theme, and organized into panel sessions with an underlying or unifying focus, similar approaches or other interesting linkages. Proposals/abstracts for Oral Presentations may be research-oriented, practice-oriented or both. In each Oral Presentation session, 3-4 presenters will have approximately 15-20 minutes to present followed by a period of discussion with the audience.
3. Skills-Building Session /Workshop:- Skills-Building Workshops will provide participants with the opportunity to develop new and strengthen existing skills in a variety of SBC areas.


The organizers of the 3rd National SBC Summit invite abstracts submissions in under two formats:

1. Research abstracts (oral or poster): research findings that reveal new challenges, innovations and methodologies that advance the field of SBC. This may also include
Innovative practices that shows effect of SBC in catalyzing change around some of pressing
challenges including social, health, poverty, gender, and/or environment etc.

Abstracts should be not more than 300 words and should include the following information:
-> Title
-> Authors and affiliations
-> Background
-> Objectives
-> Description of intervention (practice-oriented abstract ) or description of methods/design (research-oriented abstract )
-> Results/lessons learned
-> Conclusion/implications for the field

2. Skill- building sessions/abstract: – aim to equip participants with new skills and strengthen existing capabilities in various SBC practice domains. These domains may encompass, but are not limited to research, communication channels, advocacy, program planning, program design, program implementation, monitoring and evaluation, theories, and approaches.

Abstracts should be not more than 300 words and should include the following information:
-> Title
-> Authors and affiliations
-> Background/Context
-> Learning objectives for participants
-> Description of skills building activity approach and method
-> Discussion/implications for the field



How to Register


You can use this link to go to the registration site; find more information and register





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