Surveillance Officer – Ethiopian Red Cross Society (ERCS) Vacancy Announcement; July 13 2023
Organization: Ethiopian Red Cross Society (ERCS)
Position: Surveillance Officer
Employment: Full time
Location: Dire Dawa
Salary: Attractive
Deadline: July 20, 2023
Job Description
Key performance Areas
- Conduct supportive supervision and mentorship for Woreda Health Offices (WrHO) and health facilities (HFs) regarding EWARS (Preparedness, Early warning/surveillance, Response & Recovery components of PHEM)
- Provide capacity-building trainings on various PHEM agendas for PHEM officers, HCWs and HEWs.
- Assist WrHOs/HFs to conduct the early warning, alert and response tasks (EWARS)
- Provide technical assistance to WrHOs/HFs to conduct both event and indicator-based surveillances.
- Provide Technical Assistant (TA) to strengthen cross-border surveillance activities at point of entries.
- Assist public health risk communication & community engagement tasks (RCCE)
- Provide technical support to ensure the surveillance data qualities like report timeliness, completeness, etc are kept at national/international standards.
- Assist WrHO, HFs and ZHD in EWARS/PHEM data management and visualization, report-write ups, and dissemination.
- Assist in periodic surveillance reports productions like weekly epidemiological bulletin, feedbacks, SitRep/SpotRep, technical reports, presentations, and ad hoc reports on a weekly, monthly, and quarterly basis.
- Support emergency coordination platforms like PHEOC, RRT, TWG, DRM Council and DMAT in order to establish a functional PHEM system.
- Participate in public health emergencies responses and investigations like epidemic/pandemic response, health and nutrition emergency response and the likes.
- Participates and represent the organization in different regional/sub-regional level review meetings, annual work plan, conference calls, coordination forums, etc
- Prepare different proposals and budget plans to implement surveillance agendas and emergency response.
- Prepare all weekly/quarterly progress reports, annual project report, ad-hoc technical reports, success stories and timely submit to the central team using required formats.
- Monitor and evaluate progress towards annual work plans, expected outputs, including selecting and monitoring progress in meeting indicators.
- Collaborate and work with key technical and program stakeholders on different PHEM agendas.
Work Unit :- ERCS- Dire-Dawa Branch ,The USAID/Ethiopia Health Resilience Activity
Reports to: ERCS- Dire-Dawa Branch ,The USAID/Ethiopia Health Resilience
Terms of employment: – Contract for one year
Place of Work: – ERCS- Dire-Dawa Branch
Job Requirements
Qualification Requirements:
- Master/Degree in any health backgrounds in Field Epidemiology or other public health fields.
- 4/6 years related work experience at regional or sub-regional level in the field of Public Health Emergency Management (PHEM).
Key competencies
- Deep understanding and knowledge of the Early Warning and Alert Response System (EWARS), particularly public health surveillance and emergency response
- Having previous work experience in PHEOC is an added advantage.
- Experience of conducting trainings, supervision and mentorship
- Experience in proposal development, scientific report write ups and disseminations, as proven with publications.
- Excellent ability in software’s like Microsoft offices, Power BI, DHIS2-PHEM, ODK, SPSS, etc
How to Apply
We invite candidates meeting the required qualifications to fill out online employment application form
With the indicated link before the closing date of this announcement on July 20, 2023.
Qualified women are strongly recommended to apply!
Please note that we ONLY consider those who filled online application form . We regret to inform that we do not accept CV at this stage
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